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5 Ways to Prepare for Your Delivery Day (or Night)

Jul 19, 2024
5 Ways to Prepare for Your Delivery Day (or Night)
So, you’re having a baby. You may be nervous about what’s going to happen when the big day (or night) arrives. Being prepared can help you make the experience less stressful.

Childbirth is a dynamic process, and things can start, stop, and change rapidly. Being prepared for your delivery can help you concentrate on being in the moment, instead of worrying about a million little things you wish you had or hadn’t done before your big moment arrived.

At NY Midtown OB/GYN in Manhattan and Westchester, New York, our team of experts discusses how to prepare for the birth and delivery of your child, and how to make that process as stress-free as possible.   

Ways to prepare for your delivery day (or night)

While no one can predict and prepare for every single potential eventuality, there are things you can do to feel better prepared for the arrival of your baby.

1. Expect the unexpected

The first thing to do is to understand that any plans you make may not survive the first ten minutes of your labor. Babies come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways, and you’ll need to be able to go with the flow. That said, you should speak to your obstetrician regarding concerns they or you may have. 

2. Decide if you want an epidural

Epidural anesthesia involves the placement of a small cannula in your spine to administer pain medication during your labor and delivery. You may have an idea if you do not want an epidural, that you want one for certain, or that you’ll wait and see how things go. 

Just be aware that you may reach a point in your labor when it’s too late to get an epidural, so ask your birthing team to let you know when that moment approaches so you can finalize your decision.

3. Pack your bag and prepare your car

Your go-bag should contain items for your new baby as well as for yourself. Plan to bring your own toiletries, cell phone and charger and something to wear home from the hospital for you and your newborn. Don’t forget a binding bra if you plan not to breastfeed.  Don’t forget to buy and install an infant car seat.

4. Take a birthing class

Today’s birthing classes attempt to give you all of the information you need without making you panic at the thought of giving birth. You and your partner can learn useful tips and techniques to make the entire process go more smoothly while educating you about the things that could go differently than you expect and how they would be handled if needed.

If you want to learn more about the process of birthing and your many options, schedule a consultation by calling the location closest to you or book an appointment online